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    Bulk Barn Foods Limited Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

    Our multi-year Accessibility Plan outlines specific actions we are taking to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. At Bulk Barn Foods Limited ("Bulk Barn"), we believe in treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely and effective manner, and we support integration and equal opportunity.

    Our goal is to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility and to comply with accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the "AODA").

    Our Multi-year Accessibility Plan is comprised of the following key components:

    These key components are outlined below.


    1. Accessibility of Emergency Information

    Bulk Barn is committed to providing customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible format upon request. Employees with disabilities will be provided with individualized emergency response information that aligns with their specific needs.


    2. AODA Training

    Bulk Barn provides training to all employees about the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it relates to people with disabilities. Training is provided in alignment with the employees' positions and assigned responsibilities.

    The AODA training program:

    • Is delivered to all Company employees.
    • Reviews Bulk Barn's Accessibility Training Policy; and
    • Outlines employee responsibilities and rights under the AODA.


    3. Accessible Communication and Information

    Bulk Barn is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities and will actively engage and consult with people with disabilities to determine what those needs are.

    As part of our AODA plan, we have ensured our existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request by:

    • Accepting feedback in a variety of formats;
    • Responding to feedback in alternate formats; and
    • Providing support for our feedback formats, upon request.

    In addition to the above, we have ensured all publicly available information is made accessible by:

    • Consulting with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs; and
    • Providing training to all employees on how to provide alternate information and make communication arrangements.

    By January 1, 2021, all Bulk Barn websites and their content will conform to WCAG 2.0, Level AA standards.


    4. AODA Operating Policies and Procedures

    AODA operating policies and procedures have been created, made available, and communicated to all employees using a variety of formats, as necessary.

    Bulk Barn has implemented policies and procedures designed to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are accommodated for performance management and career development.

    Bulk Barn has created return-to-work policies and processes for employees that have been absent due to a disability and will use redeployment programs.

    Return to work programs include:

    • Processes for creating individualized return-to-work programs;
    • Consultations with employees with disabilities to develop individual accommodations and return-to-work plans; and
    • Reviews and updates to accessibility plans, programs, policies and procedures, as needed.


    5. Equal Opportunity Employment

    Bulk Barn is committed to fair and accessible employment practices and will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment, assessment and hiring processes. As jobs are posted, each new posting will outline Bulk Barn's commitment to providing accessible hiring practices. Our Human Resources Department will also notify applicants selected for an interview that accommodations can be made, should an applicant require them.