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    Chocolate Flower Pops


    2 Cups Callebaut Milk Chocolate Chips
    1/2 Cup Merckens Blue Molding Wafers
    1/2 Cup Merckens Red Molding Wafers
    1/2 Cup Merckens Yellow Molding Wafers
    1/2 Cup Merckens Green Molding Wafers
    1/2 Cup Merckens White Molding Wafers
    1/2 Cup Merckens Purple Molding Wafers


    1. Place each coloured molding wafers into a disposable piping bag, and carefully place into a container of very hot water, tip side down, ensuring that no water gets into the opening. This will gently melt the chocolate.
    2. While the coloured chocolate is melting, place milk chocolate chips in a stainless steel bowl over a double boiler and stir until completely melted.
    3. Once coloured wafers have melted, cut the tips of the desired colours and pipe chocolate into plastic pop molds. Pipe the finer details first, such as small dots, ribbons, etc. Let cool completely before the next step.
    4. Once cool, place a lollipop stick in the bottom of each pop mold, and carefully pour in melted milk chocolate, ensuring the stick is fully covered.
    5. Let cool for 1 hour or until completely solid. Carefully remove from mold.
    6. Yield: 10- 15 Chocolate Pops